Become a toy collection site!

Register your Neighborhood

Interested in getting your local neighborhood involved this year to serve Greenville’s underprivileged communities? Register your neighborhood to participate in this year’s LEO Santa toy drive! We’ll even include Santa/The Grinch and the GCSO SWAT truck pickup during your holiday events.  

  1. Put an official LEO Santa toy collection box out at your common area/clubhouse

  2. Include the toy drive information and schedule in your monthly neighborhood letters/billboards/social media

  3. Ask your residents to bring a new, unwrapped toy to your holiday events.  

All donated toys stay in Greenville County and are distributed to kids with family hardships or to those that do not normally get presents for Christmas. Local law enforcement know which children are in need the most.  

Please fill out the form to register your neighborhood:

Register your business

Become a Community Helper and put an official LEO Santa toy collection box out at your place of business. Include the toy drive information and schedule on social media and ask your employees/regular customers to bring a new unwrapped toy to donate. 

LEO Santa will include your place of business as a toy donation site and allow the public to also donate at your establishment (unless other arrangements are agreed upon).

All toys donated stay in Greenville County and are handed out to kids with family hardships or to those that do not normally get presents for Christmas.  Local law enforcement know which children are in need the most.  

To register your business to participate in this year’s LEO Santa toy drive, please fill out the form to participate: